Cardiometabolic Center Alliance
Proven, Collaborative Approach to
Treating Cardiometabolic Conditions
Often cardiometabolic conditions and associated risk factors are addressed as separate conditions by multiple care teams which may lead to gaps in care. The Cardiometabolic Center Alliance’s novel care model addresses cardiometabolic disease in a holistic manner, providing team-based, comprehensive care specifically tailored to each patient.
Hear what membership in the Alliance has meant for patients and providers at Major Health Partners.
Comprehensive, Team-Based Care
Members from across the country not only adopt the Alliance’s care pathways and guideline-based protocols, they also contribute to the Cardiometabolic Center Alliance’s National Patient Registry to measure the impact of the care delivered using this approach. Data from the Registry reflects that the Alliance-directed implementation of coordinated team-based, comprehensive cardiometabolic risk reduction programs produce rapid and statistically significant improvements in guideline-directed medication therapy adoption and superior control of risk factors across multiple member sites and attenuated care disparities.
Join Us to Transform Cardiometabolic Care
The Cardiometabolic Center Alliance continues to seek additional health care systems and providers, academic and professional societies, and other key colleagues to bring together cardiometabolic centers from across the nation, as well as internationally, to implement this clinical model of care.
The Cardiometabolic Center Alliance is a collaborative of health care organizations committed to improving the quality of care and outcomes of patients with cardiometabolic disease by focusing on comprehensive risk reduction. Across its member sites, care is delivered via a standardized, patient-centered, team-based approach, and supported by both local efforts and by the Alliance.
The Alliance is committed to improving quality of care and outcomes for patients with cardiometabolic disease, creating platforms for real world evidence generation and clinical trials, as well as producing tangible benefits to the healthcare organizations in a value-based model of care delivery.
To learn more about joining the Cardiometabolic Center Alliance, submit form.